Tuesday, July 21, 2015

C# Selenium webdriver Advanced User intereactions

The Advanced User Interactions require native events to be enabled. Here’s a table of the current support Matrix for native events:
platformIE6IE7IE8IE9FF3.6FF10+Chrome stableChrome betaChrome devOperaAndroidiOS
Windows XPYYYn/aYYYYY?[1]n/a
Windows 7n/an/aYYYYYYY?[1]n/a
Linux (Ubuntu)n/an/an/an/a[2][2]YYY?[1]n/a
Mac OSXn/an/an/an/aNNYYY?[1]N
Mobile Devicen/an/an/an/an/a?n/an/an/a?YN
[1](1234) Using the emulator
[2](12) With explicitly enabling native events